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Felicia Hall Allen and Associates

A professional and leadership development, training & consulting, executive coaching, team-building, motivational speaking, 

and sports management company.


Felicia launched FHA & Associates in 2002 with the mission to help others see the potential that exists within and around them to help make their dreams come true.

Our programs are designed to give our clients a competitive advantage. 


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& Training


Our mission is to deliver interactive and engaging customized trainings to meet your unique needs.  We partner with you to create relevant and relatable content that inspires growth and increase productivity. 


Motivational Keynote Speaker



Captivated, Empowered, Inspired



Each year Felicia speaks to thousands of people across the nation in a broad spectrum of arenas including businesses, conferences, colleges & universities, culminating celebrations, sports & athletics programs and events.

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Sports Management


Our goal is to strategically position you to elevate your brand and maximize your earning potential while pursuing your passion to coach and impact the lives of student athletes. 

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Ignite a culture of collaboration at all levels of your organization. Together we’ll explore  the attitudes, behaviors and perspectives that challenge and encourage effective collaboration among team members.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training


Fostering a diverse and equitable workplace culture isn’t just the right thing to do.

It’s good for business, the communities and populations you serve, and the team members who drive your organization’s vision and mission.


Diversity and inclusion in the workplace will not entirely transform a person's mentality.  However, it does aid in breaking down existing stereotypes and barriers by educating team members about underrepresented groups.


Diversity in the workplace is not only about tolerance but also about acceptance. It’s each team member’s responsibility to foster a diverse and inclusive culture.


Key DEI topics to explore in the workplace include:

  • Awareness training

  • Microaggressions

  • Unconscious Bias

  • Cultural Competency

  • Religious Sensitivity


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(Senior Training Consultant)

The Allens Ignite Cultures of Collaboration

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success."
– Henry Ford

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your audience won't soon forget 


Howard White

NIKE Brand Jordan, Vice-President

“Powerful, Engaging, Thought-Provoking …
She is a sage and wise person for her years. When she speaks, you can’t help but listen to her every word.”

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Dawn Staley

University of South Carolina, Head Coach
2022 NCAA National Champions

“I didn’t realize how much our team would benefit from the session with Felicia and Johnny until the session was over. Our team was not the same. I would recommend them to any team or organization.”


Felicia Hall Allen

COREMAG Top 100 Most Influential Blacks (2021)

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Unlocking Our Ancestors' Dreams with Felicia Hall Allen:

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